counseling to break bad habits

Bad habits are so hard to break. I was a smoker for about 30 years and couldn't seem to break the habit no matter what I tried. Every now and then, I was able to quite for a few weeks, but then, when I started smoking again, I smoked far more than I did before I quit. It wasn't until I accepted the fact that my smoking was a real problem and reached out for professional help with quitting. I started going to counseling and learned a lot about my bad habits and why it was so hard for me to give them up. This blog is all about counseling to break bad habits.

Are You Trying Psychotherapy To Get To The Root Of Your Struggles With Relationships? 3 Tips To Get More Out Of Your Sessions


The relationships that you form with the people in your family, at work, and socially impact every facet of your life. When your relationships are strong, you benefit from having a caring network of support that you can turn to in a crisis. Yet, struggling with building connections can leave you reeling from one relationship crisis after another. 

Often, trouble forming or maintaining relationships can be traced back to other issues that are happening in your life, and going to counseling is a great way to identify and address patterns that you might have even been carrying out since you were a child. While a quality therapist is essential, you need to take the view of your sessions being more of a collaboration since the most effective change comes within yourself. These three tips will help you make progress faster.

Ask About Your Therapist's Philosophy 

The field of psychotherapy has several different philosophies that therapists use to help people overcome the challenges that they have in life. Some therapists lean towards cognitive behavioral therapy, which involves doing exercises and observations throughout your daily routine to learn why and how you respond to certain situations. Others prefer to take more of a talk therapy approach where they guide you to a new understanding of how you can manage your issues in relationships. You'll also find therapists that blend several philosophies, and all of these are fine provided that they help you. Understanding where your therapist is coming from helps you develop trust that will enhance the other parts of your counseling sessions.

Leave Your Filter at Home

Over the years, you might have been taught to be polite, even if that meant hiding your feelings. Alternatively, you may know that you have a tendency to burst out with comments that others find rude, but you can't help it. Either way, your sessions are not a time to censor yourself. Choose to be open and honest with your therapist, even if that means telling them that you are mad about something they said last week. Often, your negative emotional reaction to their guidance is something that needs to be explored further since it can indicate a breakthrough moment.

Plan Reflection Time Into Your Schedule

The average counseling session lasts about an hour, and you may only go once a week or less. This means that you must put some work into healing during the times that you are at home. Plan your session for times when you don't have to rush right back to work. Even just a half-hour to sort through your feelings makes a huge difference. Finally, do your homework. Try to plan for time to do things such as journaling that help you process the things you learn.

For more information, contact a counseling center in your area.


27 November 2019