Bad habits are so hard to break. I was a smoker for about 30 years and couldn't seem to break the habit no matter what I tried. Every now and then, I was able to quite for a few weeks, but then, when I started smoking again, I smoked far more than I did before I quit. It wasn't until I accepted the fact that my smoking was a real problem and reached out for professional help with quitting. I started going to counseling and learned a lot about my bad habits and why it was so hard for me to give them up. This blog is all about counseling to break bad habits.
Children are often quite odd. They do things that as adults no one would ever do. Even you, as a parent, know that some of the things your kids do are just bizarre. So, how do you tell when their weird behaviors are just "kid stuff," versus "OMG! the kid needs a therapist!"? Here is how to recognize unhealthy behaviors in your children and why they need to start therapy with a qualified child therapist right away.
They Put Things in Your Food or Drink
Something is not right with your child's thinking when he/she drops inedible objects or poisons in your food or drink. The kindergartner that places butter knives, pencils, etc., into the family gallon of milk has got some twisted stuff going on inside his/her little head, and he/she may not be able to tell you what. However, a therapist will have lots of ways of teasing this information out of your child. What you do with this information from there is up to you, but lots of door locks are a good start.
They Intentionally Start Fires
Pyromania in children is not uncommon. Watching things burn with a dancing and warming glow creates a pleasurable sensation, even in adults who do not suffer from pyromania. Imagine that emotional effect multiplied ten-fold and part of your child. This is definitely an issue that should be addressed before things go too far.
They Cut, Burn, and Mame
Self-harm, self-mutilation, and/or harm and mutilation of others is also definitely not healthy. It means your child either has a very serious mood disorder, or he/she has suffered some unknown trauma of which you are not aware. In therapy, the reasons or causes of these behaviors are coaxed out. The therapist will then help your child learn healthier means of coping, better communication skills to deal with the trauma (if applicable), and medication to help moods if a mood disorder is present.
Hoarding is also a sign of trauma and/or a mood disorder. Some children and teens may horde clean things, calling it a "collection," except the collection continues to pile up everywhere. Others may actually horde and hide garbage and recycling because the packaging reminds them of something they like, or that there is something on the package they find pleasing to the eye. Whatever the cause or reason, hording is definitely not normal behavior for children, but a therapist can help.
Contact a therapist, like Donald McEachran, PHD, for more information.
Share26 May 2018